An AI search engine is a search platform that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to understand your search queries and deliver more relevant and accurate results. Key features:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI search engines leverage NLP to understand the meaning and intent behind your queries, not just the keywords themselves. This allows them to interpret your search similar to how you would naturally phrase a question.

2. Machine Learning (ML): They use machine learning algorithms to continuously learn and improve their search capabilities. This means they can adapt to new trends and user behavior over time, leading to more accurate and relevant results with every search.

3. Enhanced features: Many AI search engines go beyond simply returning links and offer additional features like:

  • Summarization: Providing concise summaries of relevant information from various sources.
  • Answering questions directly: Offering clear and informative answers directly on the search page, eliminating the need to visit multiple websites.
  • Visualizations and interactive elements: Presenting information in engaging ways, such as using charts, graphs, or even allowing for a conversational search experience.
AI generated picture

4. Personalization: Some AI search engines personalize results based on your search history and preferences. This can be helpful for returning information that is more relevant to your specific interests and needs.

While AI search engines offer numerous advantages, it’s important to be aware of potential limitations:

  • Privacy concerns: Some search engines may collect and utilize user data to personalize results, which may raise privacy concerns for some users.
  • Limited user base: Compared to established search engines, some AI search engines may have a smaller user base, potentially impacting the comprehensiveness of search results.
  • Continual development: As a relatively new technology, AI search engines are constantly evolving and improving. While this can be a positive, it also means certain features may be under development or have limitations compared to established options.
AI generated picture

I have listed below the best nine AI search engines:

  • Andi Search
  • Bing AI
  • Komo
  • NeevaAI
  • Metaphor AI Search
  • Brave Search
  • Phind
  • Google Search with Gemini

Andi Search

This innovative search engine uses AI to understand your intent and deliver comprehensive results with summaries, visuals, and even conversation options. It goes beyond just keywords, aiming to provide a more interactive and user-friendly search experience.


  • Interactive interface with summaries, visuals, and conversation options.
  • Focuses on user intent and understanding search queries.


  • Relatively new player in the search engine landscape.
  • Limited user base compared to established search engines. leverages AI to personalize search results and offer a more intuitive experience. It combines natural language processing, deep learning, and knowledge graphs to understand your query and provide insightful answers directly on the search page.


  • Personalized search results based on user preferences and history.
  • Offers insightful answers directly on the search page.


  • Limited control over data personalization settings compared to some competitors.
  • Still under development and may lack some features found in more established options.

Bing AI

Microsoft’s Bing search engine also features AI capabilities. It offers conversational search, allowing you to ask questions in natural language and receive answers directly. Bing AI also provides additional features like AI-powered content creation tools, making it an all-in-one search and creation platform.


  • Conversational search allows natural language queries and direct answers.
  • Integrated AI-powered content creation tools.


  • Market share significantly lower than Google, potentially impacting search result comprehensiveness.
  • Privacy concerns for some users due to Microsoft’s data collection practices.


Komo is a private search engine that utilizes generative AI to create a more interactive and personalized search experience. It focuses on understanding your intent and delivering insightful answers, summaries, and even engaging in conversation through its chat feature.


  • Prioritizes user privacy with a focus on secure search and data protection.
  • Engaging chat feature allows for interactive search and information exploration.


  • Limited search result options compared to larger search engines.
  • Relatively new search engine with a smaller user base and evolving features.


NeevaAI is an ad-free AI-powered search engine that prioritizes user privacy. It still personalizes results based on your preferences and search history while keeping your data confidential. NeevaAI is constantly evolving and aims to integrate seamlessly with Snowflake’s Data Cloud for faster searches.


  • Ad-free search experience with a focus on user privacy and data protection.
  • Personalized search results based on user preferences and search history.


  • Limited search customization options compared to some competitors.
  • Currently in beta testing, with potential for feature limitations and future changes.

Metaphor AI Search

Metaphor AI Search: This search engine takes a unique approach, focusing on the relationships and connections between different topics. It uses AI to uncover these connections and present them visually, allowing you to explore information in a more holistic way.


  • Unique approach focusing on relationships and connections between topics.
  • Visual representation of search results allows for a different perspective on information.


  • Limited search result depth compared to broader search engines.
  • May not be ideal for all search queries due to its focus on connections rather than direct answers.

Brave Search

Brave Search: Integrated with the Brave browser, Brave Search prioritizes user privacy and offers an ad-free search experience. It utilizes AI to improve search relevance and personalize results based on your past searches and preferences.


  • Integrated with the Brave browser, prioritizing user privacy and ad-free experience.
  • Utilizes AI to improve search relevance and personalize results.


  • Smaller user base compared to major search engines, potentially impacting search result comprehensiveness.
  • Limited brand recognition and awareness compared to more established options.


Phind focuses on providing unbiased and unfiltered search results. It utilizes AI to crawl the deep web and surface information that might not be readily available through traditional search engines.


  • Focuses on providing unbiased and unfiltered search results.
  • Crawls the deep web, surfacing information not readily available on traditional search engines.


  • Search results may lack the structure and organization found in more curated search engines.
  • User interface may appear less refined compared to some competitors.

Google Search with Gemini

While Google Search isn’t solely an AI-powered engine, it incorporates various AI techniques like natural language processing and knowledge graphs to understand your intent and deliver relevant results. Google constantly evolves its AI capabilities, and the recent addition of the LaMDA language model further enhances its ability to provide informative and comprehensive answers.


  • Constantly evolving AI capabilities for understanding user intent and providing informative results.
  • Extensive knowledge base and vast amount of indexed information.


  • Privacy concerns for some users due to Google’s data collection practices.
  • Search results may be influenced by user data and personalization settings.

Which AI search engines is best to generate source code based on user request? The “best” solution will heavily depend on several factors, including:

Complexity of the desired code: Simpler code generation tasks might be handled efficiently by some of the AI search engines like or Bing AI, which offer functionalities like basic code snippets or summaries.

  • Programming language and framework specificity: Some solutions might specialize in specific languages or frameworks, making them more suitable for those contexts.
  • Desired level of user control: If you need precise control over the generated code, using traditional programming tools or frameworks might be preferable.

Conclusion, In my view, Bing AI and Google Search with Gemini are the best options. In most cases, you will only get suggestions or snippets. If you get a complete source, the code is not tested, which is a real weakness. The standard problem is the wrong library (version or name). A typical problem is library calls to old libraries. Hopefully, in the future, we will have AI solutions where the software is tested before being listed to the user.

PS: Do check this earlier test-report between Bing AI and Google Search with Gemini.